Dr. Khalid Muajsam Batoo is at present Associate Professor at King Abdullah Institute for Nanotechnology, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia since 2010. His international acclaims comprise of an academic excellence award from Dover publications New York, U.S.A., Junior Research fellowship Award from Inter University Accelerator Center, New Delhi, India 2007. Speakers award in NANO-15 held at KSR Institutes, Tirchendode, Tamil Nadu India. ICNA-III-2016 Award from South Valley University, Egypt. Young Faculty Award-2016 by Venus International Research Foudnation, India. Speakers award in Kingdom Plastic Summit 2017, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Outstanding Scientist in Nanotechnology Award by Venus International Foundation 2017, Chennia India. As principal investigator, he has in his credit a number of projects of international repute from the National Plan For Science and Technology and King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Deamnship of Research group King Saud University, Sadi Arabia. He has authored number of research papers published in peer reviewed Journals of International commendation and conference papers. He has supervised a number of masters and graduate students. He is serving reviewer to number of scientific journals and also editor and associate editor to Innovations in Corrosion and Materials Science, Journal of advanced Physical Sciences, Journal of Boielectronics and Nanotechnology, Asian Journal of Materials Chemistry, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Advanced Scientific Research, Research journal of Nanoscience and Engineering, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanomedicine, BAOJ Nanotechnology, Global Journal of Nanomedicine, BGR Publications, Science and Engineering Applications. As an invited speaker he has delivered many talks on nanotechnology and its applications in various countries such as Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, USA, China, Turkey, Bangladesh, Greece, India, etc.